Sunday, October 30, 2011

2nd Annual Fall Party!

This years' Fall Party was a day of family, friends, fellowship and lots of FUN!!  Thanks Daddy for the hay ride!

             Jeddy really did like it, he just was tired!

               Isaac and Grandpa Dave Hagen

Uncle David and family brought their apple press.  We made about 15 gallons of juice! Thank you everbody for helping!

Greta, Brina and Makynna were buddies for the candy hunt! Kynna said her favorite part(s) were the candy hunt and playing  babies with these girls!

We had both 'three legged' and gunny sack races.  (L-R)  Ashlyn, Lauren, Abeni, Isaac, Jonathan and Christian 
                  The "Winners" (of many rounds)

                            Little Ladies

                We also enjoyed a very neat campfire!
                          Mom and Jeddy

Thank you everyone for coming. We all had such a fun time !

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yesterday the family went to look at this cute little pony named Sparkles.
This was Kynna's first ride on Sparkles. When we got home she said that she could smell her all the way at our house!
(She MUST have her mother's nose)

Jeddy also got to ride like his big brother and sisters. He made her shake with all his bouncing! He  enjoyed every minute of his ride.

Ashlyn was able to go the fastest, by the end she was feeling a lot more comfortable.
 Isaac was the most confident, he loved trotting "really fast". On the way home Dad asked Isaac if he would either shoot his bow or ride the pony?  Isaac's quick answer was " Well I think I could do both!"

This is the sweet little girl who was so kind to let the kids ride her pony.
(in the back-round, Kynna is riding)    
                              All the kids loved being able to reach her back. Jeddy really enjoyed it:)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thanks Hannah!

Thank you so very much for the help with fixing and then refixing the blog set up.
 Sorry we couldn't find your deer Jeremiah.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My first POST!!!

Sorry there are still many changes that are NEEDED. Hopefully you could help me figure it out!